Friday, 23 November 2012

Discover why they are upset!

The Timeshare Resort Companies are getting quite upset with us.
Because when their prospective customers learn
about us, they say “no” to their expensive
timeshares and the resort companies don’t make
 money.  It’s that simple.
We don’t have any fancy bonuses or cruises to give
away like the Timeshare Resort Companies do.  (We
also don’t have any arm-twisting Timeshare
Presentations for you to attend).
What our travel provider does have, however, is a
rock-solid history in providing great luxury and
extreme value to our members.  When you compare
apples to oranges, we always come out on top.
And what about the “Online Vacation Booking
Companies?”   They’re a little upset with us, as well. 
You see…the value our members get from us is so
great that we consistently beat their prices too.
 think you’ll agree when you see this.

Our membership is a bit controversial with some
people, but that’s okay.  Our members don’t really
care about that.  They beat all the expensive
companies at their own game.
And our travel provider doesn’t care, either. 
They’re too busy giving our members what they
want; value and luxury.  They’ve been doing it for
25 years.  Isn’t that what you want to?
No games.  No tricks.  Just value and luxury.

 All My Best and Happy Travels,

Charles Kaluwasha

P.S. When you become a member and your friends
and family get a little bit envious about all the
luxury resorts and discounted vacations you have
access to, you can just show them this:

 We are on Facebook now!  Please click here
to like us http://www.facebook/charleskaluwasha

9 Tararua close, Aotea, Porirua
Wellington 5024
New Zealand


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