Taking a vacation can save your life.
Truth or myth?
Conde Naste Traveler published an article about how taking a vacation can (quite literally) save your life. Find out more here: http://www.concierge.com/cntraveler/articles/501374 “Your Next Vacation Could Save Your Life” What You Can Get When You Vacation: Less risk of heart attack Less depression Slows down the aging process More Sleep (an hour per night, on average) Less stress (anticipating an upcoming vacation can be quite fun) And much, much more! Let Us Help You Live A Happier, Healthier Life! My business partners Alpha told me a true story: Years ago, her husband and herself lived in Aviano, Italy. There, They had the most friendly neighbors and friends one could imagine. One of their neighbors, Maria Guilia (pronounced Julie), used to give them fresh heirloom tomatoes from her garden on an almost daily basis during tomato season. She even knitted a beautiful baby blanket for their son that she was expecting. (His name is Joseph, which would be “Guiseppe” in Italian). Anyhow, while they were there, they noticed something. The Italians lived their lives “slowly.” They took Siesta in the afternoon (stores would close each day, from about noon to 2:30 in the afternoon. Tier town seemed like a ghost town during those few hours). They spent time with family and friends and did very well with eating together, while visiting and laughing. And… they knew how to take vacations! In August (and sometimes part of July and September, but mostly August), businesses in Italy close down and employees take leave to go 4-6 week Holidays. A lot of the people in that area would head to the beaches to sit and bask in the sun. And the military (who her husband worked for) would never schedule any meetings with Italian contractors during that time. In Italy, vacations are a right and Italians take them. One of their Italian friends told them one day, “Americans live to work; and Italians work to live.” So, do you want more vacations or less? We can’t call your boss (if you work) to get you off of work, but we will help you save money when you travel, so you can see more places (or at least buy more souvenirs).
Your Path To Less Stress
All My Best,
Charles Kaluwasha
http://www.Global Resorts Network
9 Tararua close, Aotea, Porirua
Wellington 5024
+644-2378910/64 0211903145 Skype:lifeonthenet7
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P.P.S. Stay at one of our resorts for your next vacation. Spend all day at the spa the spa, play a round of golf, lounge in the hot tub, talk over dinner, go on a hike in nature, access endless possibilities. Live well.
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